Elevate your wellness journey with our state-of-the-art biohacking treatment at Sense of Touch
Designed to optimize your health and rejuvenate your body, our holistic therapy harnesses the power of the latest wellness technology by enhancing physical, mental, and emotional health which promote longevity, boost the immune system, support digestion, and enhance energy levels.

Hong Kong’s only Icoone is the cutting-edge skin treatment technology for the face, body, and targeted areas. The world’s patented technology Roboderm emitting up to 21.600 per minute Multi Micro Alveolar Stimulation (MMAS), it is the only device that can deliver twin-function treatment that is specifically designed to treat the smallest, most difficult to reach, and most sensitive areas of the body, such as the inner thighs and arms, knees and ankles.

Kogao Treatment
Performed by award-winning and certified practitioners, this signature treatment combining TCM, Korean and Japanese Bikotsu technique to achieve a natural lifting effect. It can enhance facial symmetry, contour the face and even correct bones, create and restore a perfect facial shape, and correct the spine and body shape.