Gutto Balance
How It Works
The 4R of Gut Healing
Improve Bowel Movement
Stool consistency is strongly associated with gut microbiota richness and composition. A wide array of gut bacteria makes our microbiome more capable and resilient. Gutto Balance helps increase peristalsis, reduce transit time and improve stool frequency.
Alleviate Allergies
The constant increase prevalence of allergy diseases is quite alarming and experts have found that people with allergies have a poor gut diversity profile. Gutto Balance can help replenish the loss protective bacteria, modulate your immune system back to normal and take away your life-threatening misery!
Boost Your Immunity
More than 70% of immune cells reside in our gut. The gut flora and our immune system are intricately related. What’s present in the gut determines what education immune cells gets. Bolstering your gut species with Gutto Balance increases your immune diversity and thus, help mitigate severe diseases.
Better Mood Control
A balance and diversified gut profile is a proven factor not only in keeping your body healthy, but your mental too. Inflammation causes mood swings and vice versa. The diverse range of bacteria in Gutto Balance can help control inflammation whilst helping you better cope with daily stress and anxiety.