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Your Spring Wellness Guide

Your Spring Wellness Guide

Spring is in the air, and so are random rainfalls and fluctuating temperature. Between March and May is the transition from the dry, chilly winter to a hot and humid summer. Here are some spring wellness and beauty tips to help your skin adapt to the changing seasons.

1. Exfoliate

It’s time to get rid of dull post-winter skin and reveal glowing, dewy complexion for spring! As the warmer weather rolls around and we are already so eager to go out to sunbath, make sure you shed the rough and flaky winter skin for a smooth and lasting tan.

Use a gentle exfoliator for your face such as sugar, salt and oatmeal that you can use on a regular basis, about twice a week. Avoid exfoliants like shell powder, fruit pits, or microbeads that may be very rough especially if you have sensitive skin.

Invigorate with a full body scrub at Sense of Touch: Boby Treatments

exfoliate for spring wellness

2. Go lighter with your moisturizer

As the humidity starts to rise, we can put away our shield against the harsh winter air and swap our thick moisturisers and serums for lighter options. If we continue to use thick creams everyday, it could kick start excessive oil production, which will clog pores and encourage breakouts.

Look for lighter products that contain hydrating ingredients, like hyaluronic acid, which will add a natural dewiness to your complexion,

3. Avoid heavy makeup

For the same reason as above, steer clear of thick and heavy foundation as the heat and humidity begins to rise. Switch to lighter products like BB and CC creams which multitasks as a moisturiser, SPF, makeup base or foundation. Mineral foundation is also a healthy option as it is breathable and has a natural feel which is perfect for the unpredictable spring months.

4. SPF

While we are so excited to finally spend more time outside in the beautiful sunshine, spring is a high risk time for sun damage because the temperature is warm but we may not feel how strong the sun is.

As we know, the bare minimum level of SPF we should wear during the day is SPF 30, even when we don’t see any sunlight. So in the Springtime, it’s better to up your SPF to 50 as we spend even more time outdoor in the lovely warm weather.

4. Go to the pros for a deep clean

If you want a deeper renewal of the skin or just an excuse to treat yourself to a spa facial, go to a professional for a seasonal detox and peel so you can feel completely fresh and rejuvenated.

Chemical peels and exfoliation remove the outer layers of your skin to reveal the smoother and less wrinkled skin underneath.

At Sense of Touch, we have many facial options including diamond peel facial massage, enzymatic micro peels, and detox facials. Take a look here for your next treatment: Facial Treatments