Pret a Dress Privileges
You are entitled to...

a complimentary 50mins Infrared Sauna worth HK$600
排毒再生紅外線桑拿一次 (50分鐘) 價值 HKD$600

30% off on facial, massage and body treatment
Sweat and detoxify 深層排汗及排毒
Boost blood circulation and burn calories 促進血液循環,燃燒卡路里及脂肪
Boost immunity and vitalize cells 提升免疫力,活化細胞
Accelerate metabolism and increase oxygen supply 加速新陳代謝,增加氧氣供應
Sooth pain and stress 舒緩疼痛和壓力
Harmonise your body’s state of rest & digest 平衡自律神經和消化系統,令身體自我修復
Terms and Conditions 條款及細則:
1. Please present the voucher to enjoy this special offer; 請出示禮券兌換療程;
2. This privilege is not applicable with other discounts or promotions; 此禮遇不可連同其他優惠折扣同時使用;
3. This privilege is valid for 2 months from the purchase date; 此禮遇有效期為購買日起計兩個月;
4. A minimum of 2 days advanced booking is required; 請提前最少兩天預約;
5. Infrared Sauna is only applicable at Sense of Touch Central 排毒再生紅外線桑拿只適用於中環水療中心;
6. This privilege can be used once only and damaged or photocopied voucher will not be accepted; 此禮遇只使用一次,缺損或影印本禮券恕不接納;
7. Sense of Touch reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute. 如有任何爭議,Sense of Touch 保留最終決定權。